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Walter Mercado: Horoscopes for today May 04, 2023

Find out what fate has in store for you this Thursday, May 4, 2023 with the best of horoscope of walter marketcheck the predictions of your day, your lucky number and start the day on the right foot. ohThe Truth News wishes you good fortune!


Period of experimenting and studying options on what is best for you to carry out at this time, in relation to your finances. Don’t make final decisions for now. Study, observe every situation very closely. Go little by little, but be sure, that very good things for you will be dazzled in the future.

lucky numbers: 8, 17, 40.


The peace that you have longed for, finally returns to you after a long period of ups and downs. Deceit and betrayal move away from your life. Recharge your physical and emotional batteries with positive thoughts. Begin to enjoy your present and build your future with a positive attitude. Love, work or profession harmonize.

lucky numbers: 7, 11, 25.


Planetary energy is concentrated in your social life, Gemini. Friends and relatives are in a better position to cooperate with you both in the labor and economic aspects. Your word will be heard and valued. Joining efforts you will achieve your purposes much sooner than planned. Let’s do it.

Lucky numbers: 33, 14, 7.


Your personal attractiveness increases. An old love returns to your life with new plans that could be crazy. Do not overdo it, do not burn your candle on both sides. Be patient as everything has its time and space. Enjoy the magic of the current moment and let time be in charge of maturing that love.

lucky numbers: 15, 1, 32.


Bury, put an end once and for all to frustrations, doubts and loneliness. What used to cost you effort and sacrifice now comes easily. Take advantage of your streak of good luck. Get out of the stagnation in which you find yourself and explore the unknown, the new, the different. You need to activate your mind and your body.

lucky numbers: 46, 7, 6.


Give importance to what really has it. Beware of those people of authority who intend to use their power to manipulate other people at will. Analyze carefully every strange situation that comes your way today. Don’t take unnecessary risks. There are things that can wait.

lucky numbers: 30, 9, 18.


A new, much more positive mental attitude prevails today. You will overcome small health problems as you overcome existing fears and depressions. Your talents take you to new heights. You will prove that you are worth it and that you deserve the best. Your truth will make you worthy of good and lasting friendships.

lucky numbers: 1, 19, 20.


Clarify your motivations and your feelings so that you can express them correctly to your loved one. Do not act under any pressure. Communicate with the truth. Opportunities are presented to you to test your talents and place yourself at the top. Everything that happens to you will benefit your economic or material situation.

lucky numbers: 2, 14, 50.


Go ahead with your plans and take care of being happy. Your horizons expand in everything related to your work or profession. Good news comes to you from abroad that will encourage you to keep going and give your best. All types of travel benefit you, whether by sea, air or land. Bring all legal matters up to date.

lucky numbers: 5, 46, 29.


Present events shed light on a past situation for you to resolve. You will finally be able to put together your love puzzle and stabilize yourself. The spiritual is exalted in you today and guides you on the right path. You will value those people who have helped you in your difficult times.

lucky numbers: 9, 44, 21.


Put an end to something that worries you by looking for a solution now. The stars ask you today to be more reserved about everything you say. You must not reveal your secrets to anyone at this time. When making important decisions, listen to your inner voice, which is what will lead you on the right path.

lucky numbers: 1, 33, 26.


Pay more attention to things related to your home. Activate your creativity, decorate, change, invent. Listen to the complaints of those who need you, but stay away from people who have affected you in your life. Seek the light of those who know, can and want to be with you for friendship or love. Invest your energies in beings and in positive things.

lucky numbers: 8, 10, 4.

Dannette Benet Mercado, niece and collaborator of the late astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy by writing horoscopes.

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