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Want to see if cannabis can treat psychosis

Norway only prescribes medical cannabis for wood certain conditions such as severe epilepsy, or people with certain symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS).

However, it is also believed that can help reduce anxiety and insomnia.

PSYCHOSIS: Researchers want to see if cannabis can treat psychosis. Photo: Tijana Martin / The Canadian Press

Now researchers at the University of Oxford have launched a global study to investigate whether cannabis can treat psychosis and symptoms of psychosis.

The study will involve approximately 1,000 people.

Including those with a clinically high risk of psychosis, people who have had a psychotic episode, and patients with psychosis who have not responded to conventional treatment.

Approved in Norway

The study will use Epidyolex, a form of cannabidiol (CBD) that is approved for certain children and adults with epilepsy.

Epidyolex has been approved for medical use in Norway for about a year, and given on H prescription – that is, it must be prescribed by a specialist in a hospital.

CBD is a chemical found in cannabis, but it does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis that gives the feeling of being high.

CANNABIS ON SPRAY: The cannabis spray Sativex is approved for medical use in Norway. The spray should help MS patients against spasms and pain. Photo: Luis Hidalgo/AP Photos

The medicine is also approved in Norway under another name – Sativex.

It is mainly given to people with MS, and is taken as a spray under the tongue.

Get millions

The study is funded by the British charitable foundation Wellcome, which has allocated £16.5 million to the project.

– This will help us find out whether CBD is effective in treating psychosis at different stages by testing it on a large scale, says the head of mental health at Wellcome.

The study will be conducted at 35 clinics in various European and North American countries.

OXFORD: Professor Philip McGuire works as section leader for studies in psychiatry at the University of Oxford. Photo: Roger Davies

Professor Philip McGuire, leader of the study, is optimistic.

– CBD is one of the most promising new treatments for people with psychosis, says McGuire.

The professor also says that many people with psychosis are open to trying CBD, and that previous studies have indicated that the treatment has beneficial effects.

MANY FORMS: CBD can be taken as pills, oil, spray, and smoked. Photo: Niall Carson

– In addition to treating psychosis that has already been established, the study will also investigate whether CBD can prevent the onset of psychosis in people at high risk of developing it, he concludes.

FHI has doubts

Similar studies have previously been carried out worldwide, without any decisive results.

FHI tells TV 2 that there is great interest in the studies that have already been completed.

FHI: The Institute of Public Health at Jørgen Bramness says they have doubts. Photo: Gorm Røseth / TV 2

– There are hints of results in some studies, and others have no hints, says Jørgen Bramness.

Bramness is a senior researcher at FHI. He specializes in, among other things, clinical drug research and psychiatric epidemiology.

– Experimental studies have been carried out among people who use cannabis, and it shows some effect in experimental settings, he continues.

SHOWS SOME EFFECT: Bramness says that previous studies have shown some effect. Photo: Angela Weiss/AFP

He emphasizes that it is difficult to transfer results from experimental research to treatment in practice.

He is nevertheless positive about the new study at the University of Oxford.

– It is good that they are starting more studies, then we will get closer to the truth about whether it has any effect or not, he says.

– But we have doubts, he concludes.

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