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War between Microsoft and Twitter: dropouts and lawsuits are coming, in a new scandal

The changes on Elon Musk’s Twitter They continue to cause trouble. Microsoft will leave the company’s advertising platform, but the billionaire will respond with a lawsuit.

There was no official explanation from Microsoft for its decision, but according to the portal Verdict coincides with Twitter removing its free application developer interface (API) support.

The old Twitter API system It allowed other companies to easily consult the data of the platform, using the little bird network in their services.

Now, with the changes implemented by Musk, will be charged from 42 thousand to 210 thousand dollars per month for companies to access their API.

Elon Musk responded to Microsoft’s decision with a tweet and a few words: “Illegally trained (ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence) using Twitter data. Demand time”.

An escalation is envisioned between the two technological giants.

In addition to Microsoft, Apple would also be in conflict with Twitter

Apple would follow in the footsteps of Microsoft, abandoning Elon Musk’s social network, according to the Applesfera portal. The tensions have been present since 2022, when the apple company was close to withdrawing the platform from the App Store.

A conversation between Musk and Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, managed to prevent the decision. But rumors indicate that the Cupertino company I could reapply it.

And it’s not just API modifications that create discomfort. Also the issue of verification and labeling, then the Twitter Blue app as the only way to get the blue badge.

Media corporations such as CBC/Radio Canada, PBS and NPR announced their departure from Twitter due to the use of a “government funded” hashtag. These outlets indicate that their journalism is “fair and independent”, and “to suggest otherwise is incorrect”.

The BBC, for its part, lobbied Elon Musk’s platform to remove that label. The conflicts continue, after the most recent decisions of the tycoon in the network for which he paid 44 billion dollars.

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