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War in Ukraine: here is the new military aid that Germany and the United States will provide to kyiv

These announcements follow a telephone conversation between US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

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Reading time: 2 mins

SUnder pressure from his coalition and the opposition, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is preparing, like Washington and after France, to take a “new qualitative step” in his arms deliveries to Ukraine, starting with “Marder” armored vehicles and a Patriot air defense system.

The United States will send “Bradleys” type armored vehicles and Germany the Marders, Washington and Berlin said in a joint statement after a telephone conversation between US President Joe Biden and the Chancellor.

“Germany will join the United States in supplying an additional Patriot air defense system to Ukraine,” they add in this press release. Washington had announced in December the sending of a first Patriot system.

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