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War in Ukraine: Russia conducted air defense exercises in the Moscow region

Russia announced on Saturday that it had conducted air defense exercises in the Moscow region, to protect its critical infrastructure in the event of “air attacks”, against the backdrop of the conflict with Ukraine.

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DThe exercises were held in the Moscow region, with the personnel of the anti-aircraft missile brigade of the Western Military District, to repel air attacks against important military, industrial and administrative infrastructure,” the Russian Defense Ministry said. in a press release.

According to the ministry, the Russian soldiers who participated in these trainings were trained in the use of “S-300 anti-aircraft missiles”.

In total, “more than 150 soldiers and more than 30 pieces of weapons, military and special equipment participated” in these exercises, said the same source.

The Russian Defense did not, however, specify when these exercises took place.

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Asked whether Russia feared Moscow was a target, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to answer on Friday, referring the question to the Defense Ministry.

Russia has experienced several attacks in recent months attributed to Ukraine, whether sabotage or drone strikes and artillery fire on border regions.

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