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War in Ukraine: Scholz assures that Germany contributes "that there is no escalation of the conflict"

An escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine “would lead to a war between Russia and the NATO countries, that will not happen,” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned on Sunday.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz reaffirmed on Sunday that his country will not allow the war in Ukraine to turn into a conflict between Russia and NATO, after meeting the Chilean president as part of his tour of Latin America.

“We contributed to ensuring that there was no escalation of the conflict, as this would have serious consequences for the whole world. This would lead, for example, to a war between Russia and the NATO countries , it will not happen, we will prevent it with all our efforts, we have succeeded so far and we will continue to do so,” said the head of the German government.

“It’s about supporting Ukraine, it’s about having a serious debate to make the decisions that need to be made and it shouldn’t be a competition (to know) who sends the most weapons,” he argued.

“It’s our obligation”

Olaf Scholz explained, in Santiago de Chile, that he and his American counterpart Joe Biden “(refuse) to send troops to Ukraine” in order to avoid an escalation of the conflict.

The German chancellor also said on Sunday that his country will not send combat planes to Ukraine. And after several weeks of hesitation, Berlin finally agreed to send 14 German-made Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine.

The leader recalled that Germany “provided its support, like other countries, in the form of financial, humanitarian and arms deliveries. It is our obligation”.

“No country supports Ukraine more than Germany,” added Olaf Scholz. Chilean President Gabriel Boric, for his part, promised to “contribute (in a multilateral way) to peace.”

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