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War in Ukraine: US counts "9000 dead" for the Wagner group for a year

The White House estimates that the offensive in Ukraine has killed at least 30,000 mercenaries from the Russian group Wagner, including 9,000 dead. Among them, many former prisoners.

At least 9,000 mercenaries from Russia’s Wagner Group have died in fighting in Ukraine since the conflict began nearly a year ago, the White House said Friday, in remarks reported by Reuters. A figure not confirmed by the Russians.

In total, the Pentagon estimates that the conflict in Ukraine has claimed 30,000 victims in the ranks of the Wagner group, including 9,000 dead at the front. Half of those deaths have occurred since mid-December, a National Security Council spokesman said, citing US intelligence.

The United States estimates that 90% of these men killed in action are former detainees recruited from Russian prisons, said the spokesman for the National Security Council at the White House John Kirby during an exchange with the press.

The assessment of the number of dead in the Russian and Ukrainian camp remains complex, while the conflict, which began almost a year ago, continues.

Wagner continues to recruit detainees, Washington says

John Kirby believes that the group continues to rely heavily on inmates to build its troops, in exchange for their freedom. He thus contradicts the recent remarks of the boss of this private paramilitary organization.

Yevgeny Prigozhin said in a press release on February 9 that the recruitment of detainees for the private paramilitary group Wagner had “completely stopped”.

The leader of the group claimed Friday the capture of a Ukrainian locality located north of Bakhmout, the scene of the longest battle in the Donbass for a year.

The paramilitary group Wagner, created in 2014, is experiencing growing influence with the conflict in Ukraine. In particular, he played an important role in the capture of the Ukrainian city Soledar, the first success for the Russian forces for several months.

Juliette Desmonceaux with Reuters

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