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War in Ukraine: Zelensky wants "do everything" to end the "Russian aggression" This year

A few hours after Joe Biden’s visit to Kiev, Volodymyr Zelensky said in his daily address on Monday that he wants to “do everything” to end the war in Ukraine by December 2023.

“It is in Ukraine that the fate of the world order is decided.” On the 362nd day of the war in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky reaffirmed in his daily address on Monday that Kiev and its allies must “do everything to end Russian aggression this year”, in 2023

Volodymyr Zelensky was speaking just hours after US President Joe Biden’s surprise and historic visit to the Ukrainian capital.

“President Biden and I have discussed how to secure our victory in this war that Russia has started this year,” hammered the Ukrainian president in his daily address.

But ending the war is not the only goal. He also wants, by the end of the year, “to liberate the territories still occupied to guarantee reliable security to our country and to all the peoples of Europe who want to live in freedom and peace.”

New arms deliveries

And, for Volodymyr Zelensky, the road to peace and freedom goes through a new delivery of arms from Washington. He indeed thanked his American counterpart for the support of the United States since the beginning of the conflict.

In connection with Joe Biden’s surprise visit to Kiev on Monday, the White House unveiled a press release in which the American president indicates that he is present in the Ukrainian capital to show the “unwavering” support of the United States for Ukraine.

This same press release indicates that the United States will make new arms deliveries for Ukraine, “including artillery munitions, anti-armour systems and air surveillance radars to help protect the Ukrainian people from bombardment. aerial”.

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