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War maps | Possible combat between Russia and Ukraine after their advance through Kherson

War maps |  Possible combat between Russia and Ukraine after their advance through Kherson

Russia claims it repelled the Ukrainian advance but the Institute for the Study of War claims Ukrainian forces could remain on the banks of the Dnieper river.

Ukrainian forces appear to have carried out a limited raid across the Dnieper river and landed on the eastern bank of the Kherson region, the Institute for the Study of War says in its latest update. Although the Ukrainian authorities affirm that the alleged incursion “has not been confirmed” by the General Staff of the army for the moment.


Several Russian military bloggers reported that Ukrainian forces landed up to seven ships, each carrying around six to seven people, on the eastern bank of the Dnieper near the Russian-occupied village of Kozachi Laheri, breached Russian defensive lines, and They advanced up to 800 meters deep.

Hot spots in available NASA Resource Management Fire Information System data for the past 24 hours in this area appear to confirm that there was significant combat, likely preceded or accompanied by artillery fire.

The Moscow-appointed administration of the occupied parts of the Kherson region downplayed reports of the Ukrainian landing, saying that Russian artillery fire repelled the Ukrainian vessels and that there are no Ukrainian troops in the area.

However, most major Russian military bloggers claimed that Ukrainian forces managed to use tactical surprise and land on the eastern shore before engaging Russian forces in small arms exchanges.

In June, Ukrainian forces established a bridgehead for the first time on the Russian-held eastern bank of the Dnieper River near the Antonivsky Bridge.

Later, in July, Moscow appointed the administration of the occupied parts of the Kherson region.

The Institute for the Study of War claimed in its latest update that Ukrainian forces are present on the eastern bank, although it remains unclear whether Ukrainian troops have established a lasting presence.

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