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“War with China is not an option”: the harsh words of the president of Taiwan

In a letter sent to the Vatican by the president of taiwanTsai Ing-wen told Pope Francis that “war with China is not an option.” This microstate located in the middle of the Italian peninsula, is the last European country that maintains formal relations with the Asian nation instead of Beijing, despite the fact that other Western countries do have informal ties with the Pacific island.

The Vatican is the only European country to have an embassy in Taiwan.

The letter was sent as a form of the government of the Asian nation to ask for world peace and to speak with Francisco about different topics. Among the issues that the current president of taiwan wrote to the leader of the Catholic Church, there was, for example, support for their position on the war between Russia and Ukraine, “pro-immigrant policies” and public health.

However, one of the main fears they have in taiwan it is that the bad relationship with the government of Beijing escalates to a war that they could not win and that could very negatively affect the citizens who live in this country located a few kilometers from the Asian giant. That is why the policy of Taipei He indicated to the Pope that “the virus of war must be eradicated” and called for “peace and stability.”

The past few months have been very tense in Taiwan.

“Armed confrontation is not an option at all. Only by respecting the Taiwanese people’s commitment to our sovereignty, democracy and freedom can there be a basis for resuming constructive interaction across the Strait of taiwan”, sentenced the policywho, in recent months, has been heavily marked by various internal problems in her party.

The new Taiwanese Prime Minister

At the end of 2022, the legislative elections were held in the Asian country, where the ruling party lost by a wide margin, which is why Ing-wen resigned from the presidency of his party, although he continues to be in charge of the country.

Su Tseng-chang resigned as Taiwan’s premier.

Now, in the midst of a cabinet reshuffle, Su Tseng-chang, The island nation’s prime minister resigned his post, allowing Chen Chien-jen, a former vice president and highly critical of the neighboring country, to become the island’s new premier.

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