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Warns of massive attacks: – Use extreme caution

In the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, 18 private homes and critical infrastructure have been damaged after the attacks on Saturday morning, writes the news agency Ukrainian form.

Kyiv’s mayor, Vitaliy Klitschko, says Dniprovskij in the east of the city is under attack. Several power plants are located there.

– Stay in the bomb shelters, he writes on Telegram.

The governor of Mykolaiv reported on Saturday morning that 17 Russian Tupolev bombers were in the air.

However, after this statement, the flight alert has been lifted in Kyiv, Reuters reports, but the Ukrainian authorities warn that they expect more attacks on Saturday.

– Exercise extreme caution, charge your phones and have a plan. Intelligence indicates a major Russian attack, the alert service says Ukraine Siren Alerts at 12 noon Norwegian time.

According to Ukrinform, there were several explosions in Kyiv on Saturday morning before the flight alarm went off.

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