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Warzone 2 player discovers an armor issue that causes you to take more damage

It’s been a tough launch for Warzone 2Well, despite the initial hype and anticipation surrounding the game, much of it has dissipated in the months since launch.

Reports suggest that the number of players has been reduced much faster than expected, as well as a large number of bugs and glitches that affect the experience of the average player.

Some of these have been linked to damage, such as a major issue discovered by YouTuber JackFrags, who experienced multiple unexplained deaths. Or now, the TrueGameData statistician has discovered even more strange damage characteristics, this time regarding armor in Warzone 2.

Warzone 2 armor can actually increase enemy damage

In a YouTube video on January 19, TGD explained that player reports and his own experiences prompted him to investigate the damage in Warzone 2.

As a result of research into how armor affects damage, he discovered that some weapons, such as the M4 Assault Rifle, actually do more damage to enemies that have armor plates equipped.

Their findings showed that the M4 did 18 damage per shot to enemies without armor equipped and 20 damage per shot when they had armor equipped. This was not replicated in other weapons, which worked consistently whether hitting an enemy with or without armor.

TGD said, “It’s just confirmation that some weird stuff is going on and this will cause even more inconsistent feelings from TTK than we already have.” So far, it’s unclear which weapons are affected, but TGD theorizes that it’s related to some weapons at some ranks, rather than a “widespread” issue in Warzone 2.

Regardless, it casts more doubt on the battle royale’s damage mechanics. TTK has been a major topic of conversation since the release of WZ2, with many players reporting that it is too fast and feels incredibly random and inconsistent.

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