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Watch out for your Smart TV. The danger behind the Internet of Things

Factories with robots everywhere, autonomous cars on the streets, connected homes and devices working to make our lives easier and smarter.

These are some examples of a hyperconnected reality that is getting closer to all of us, with the popularization of Internet of Things projects.

The trade-off, however, is quite clear: with more and more devices connected, the ports for possible cyber attacks will also be more vulnerable.

Who’s going to explain to us how to escape these online dangers, I’m talking today with Cleber Ribas, CEO of the cybersecurity company Blockbit.

This is the Canaltech Podcast, published from Tuesday to Saturday, at 7 am on our website and on podcast aggregators.

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This episode was scripted and hosted by Gustavo Minari. The program also featured reports by Cláudio Yuge, Felipe Demartini, Fidel Forato, Vinícius Moschen and Nathan Vieira. Edition by Gustavo Roque. The audio review is by Gabriel Rimi and Mari Capetinga. The soundtrack is a creation of Guilherme Zomer and the cover of this program is made by Erick Teixeira.

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