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Wave of violence in Haiti pushes children towards armed groups

What is behind the rise of violence?

PRINCE PORT.- The situation of violence that plagues Haiti Since February, it has caused a worrying phenomenon: more and more children and adolescents are being recruited by armed gangs, plunging them into an environment of coercion, abuse and exploitation in the midst of the fragile social and economic reality of the country.

According to United Nations estimates, between 30% and 50% of the members of these groups are minors, who, due to the lack of opportunities to survive, are forced to join these organizations that also share responsibility in the crisis that faces the Caribbean nation.

Haiti is immersed in a complex network of social crises, political instability and recurring natural disasters, situations that have made the country one of the poorest in the world, with approximately 90% of its population living in conditions of extreme poverty and close of three million children in need of urgent humanitarian aid.

“Haitian children are trapped in a cycle of endless suffering. Children are forced to join armed groups out of desperation caused by violence, poverty and the collapse of protection systems,” he denounces. Catherine Russell, executive director of UNICEF.

Russell highlights that these children play various roles in armed gangs, from cooking to guarding, but they all share the loss of their innocence and disconnection from their communities. “The impact on each affected child is a tragedy that demands urgent action,” she emphasizes.

In this context, UNICEF calls on the international community to prioritize the “protection and well-being” of minors, starting with their safe separation from armed groups, their reintegration into society and facilitated access to humanitarian aid.

The UN agency highlights that, on many occasions, children join these gangs due to the need to financially support their families or due to threats, while in other cases they do so after being separated from their homes.

Violence on the rise in Haiti

During the year 2024, violence in Haiti has claimed the lives of more than 2,500 people and left others injured or kidnapped. In addition, more than 400 serious violations have been verified against boys and girls, and thousands of families have been displaced due to violence.

Regarding children, UNICEF urges the international community to ensure their safety, support efforts to prevent and stop violations against them, protect schools, hospitals and other infrastructure, and ensure continued and unimpeded humanitarian access.

The UN agency also calls for an immediate and flexible increase in funding to meet the humanitarian and protection needs of the most vulnerable populations, ensuring that aid reaches affected children quickly.

Source: With information from Europa Press

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