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WAZ: Green politician calls for mandatory green steel for cars

West German General Newspaper


The Green politician Felix Banaszak calls for a green steel obligation for cars. In the podcast “Die Wirtschaftsreporter” of the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ, Friday edition), the member of the Bundestag from Duisburg demanded that a quota regulation should in future ensure that “a certain proportion of the steel installed in the car” is green. The cars could possibly be 300 or 400 euros more expensive, said Banaszak. When he looks at “how much a leather interior costs,” it’s manageable, he added.

Press contact:

West German General Newspaper
central editorial office
Phone: 0201 – 804 6520

Original content from: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, transmitted by news aktuell

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