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“We are already in a real competition”: Ebrard

MEXICO CITY ( Ebrard assured that Morena is already in a “real competition” to define the presidential candidate, he reported that tomorrow he will resign from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), as announced last week pass.

Prior to the Council

Upon reaching the National Council of Morena, in which the details of the selection process for the party’s candidacy for the 2024 presidential elections will be defined, Marcelo Ebrard asked that “the governors” and the State not get involved in the internal competition, and urged that the survey not be carried out by the pollster Enkoll, which he referred to as “the favorite” of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s team.

“Nothing about the tunnel of time and return to the past,” added the foreign minister, who thus endorsed the complaints that he issued yesterday to condemn the “load” of support that seven governors sent to his rival Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo on social networks –they later deleted them –, which he equated to practices of the old PRI.

Before the national advisers of Morena refine the details of the survey, Ebrard introduced the issue of bias of the polling companies, as he maintained that Enkoll is “the favorite of Iván Silva, Claudia’s and party adviser”, and this despite that he was wrong “by more than 15 points” in the elections in the State of Mexico on June 4.

During the weeks prior to the elections, Enkoll placed Delfina Gómez Álvarez, the Morena candidate, with vote intentions that were much higher than those she actually obtained. For this reason, Ebrard asked “to use polls that are solvent, that have not been wrong like that”, a warning to Morena that his team will not accept any poll.

In fact, the politician – who will officially leave the Foreign Ministry tomorrow – reiterated his call for the survey with which Morena will define the candidacy to be “simple, transparent and verifiable”, and that “they do not make a complex system”.

The candidate for the presidential succession highlighted as a “progress” that Morena has accepted his request that all the contenders separate from their public office this week, as he stressed that they will be competing fairly for the next “2 or 3 months”.

Ebrard arrived this Sunday afternoon at the Marriott hotel at the Monument to the Revolution, where he was received by a group of people who yelled cheers like “Marcelo one hundred, everything will be fine.”

The still foreign minister arrived at the Morena conclave from Chiapas, where he traveled this weekend to present his book, with a special presenter: Pío López Obrador, the brother of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who has expressed his support for Ebrard’s presidential project .

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