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“We are cooking”: Houstonians run out of air amid soaring temperatures

“We are cooking”: Houstonians run out of air amid soaring temperatures

Residents of the Victoria apartment complex, located in southeast Houston, have reported the failure of their air conditioners for three days, this, at the same time that a heat alert has been issued in the city.

“Here we are cooking, the children, can you imagine the children? Poor things,” said Gerlin Ordoñez, a resident of the apartment complex.

About 125 units in the complex are without air conditioning, according to tenants who say extreme temperatures were near triple digits.

“No, we can’t sleep, we can’t sleep, it’s very hot,” said Reynaldo Quib, a resident of the complex.

High temperatures inside the apartment building have left some residents concerned for their health and that of their families. Some residents say they have had to look for alternatives to deal with these conditions.

“To be honest, I went to sleep in the car for a while, showering with cold water, getting out of the car, like this because I can’t be here, it’s exaggerated, I can’t be here like this,” said Gerlin Ordóñez.

NBC Houston tried to contact the apartment complex’s management but received no response.

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