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We are going to take Coahuila to the next level: Manolo

Saltillo Coahuila; April 30, 2023.- During the first half of his campaign, the candidate for governor of the Citizen Alliance for Security, Manolo Jiménez Salinas, has toured all the regions of the state five times, has met with all social sectors and it has strengthened a great citizen front to defend Coahuila.

Jiménez Salinas highlighted that he has carried out a proactive campaign, with a political offer and a social platform to offer the best projects and proposals for the population, which has been joined not only by the political forces that make up the coalition, but also by thousands of citizens who they want what is best for the state, such as maintaining security, boosting economic development, and improving the quality of life.

“People don’t want grids or politicking, people want proposals that help them improve their quality of life; our project is based on the feelings and thoughts of the people, that is why we are going to maintain what is good in Coahuila, but we are also going to innovate and change what needs to be improved”, he pointed out.

He recalled that from the second day of his campaign he presented his political platform with the 10 main guiding principles that will lead his government plan, whose agenda he has presented in all regions with the various sectors of the population.

He pointed out that the Agenda to Improve the Quality of Life is integrated by the axes of Security, Economy, Health, Education, Citizen Government, Inclusion, Women, Youth, Environment, Countryside and strengthening of the 38 municipalities.

“We have had a great acceptance with all our people from Coahuila, who have received our proposals and have given us feedback; We continue to work as a team to take Coahuila to the next level, we are walking and always moving forward ”, she pointed out.

From the start of the campaign, Jiménez Salinas pointed out that through his government the foundations will be laid for Coahuila to consolidate itself as a power, which today is a national benchmark in security and economic development thanks to teamwork with citizens.

Throughout a month of activities, Jiménez Salinas has presented his political and social platform with productive sectors, women, businessmen, merchants, religious leaders, professors, popular sectors, representatives of the private initiative, civil organizations and citizens in general.

In addition, the PRI-PAN-PRD coalition candidate has presented specific proposals for various issues of interest to the population, such as the environmental agenda with specific proposals on the environment and sustainability; the Pulso 23 program with programs, works and actions to empower the talent of youth and the signing of commitments to guarantee respect for the rights of children and adolescents.

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