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“We have to get away from the fact that certain jobs can only be done by registered nurses”

Asklepios Kliniken GmbH & Co. KGaA

Hamburg (ots)

  • Prof. Dr. Jochen Werner, medical influencer and head of Essen University Medicine, in the “Inside Health” podcast
  • How the “sick hospital” can be saved
  • Why data protection is sometimes fatal and why there is no alternative to digitization

Prof. Dr. Jochen Werner, who is the Medical Director of Essen University Medicine in his main job, likes to speak plainly – in his book “So ill is the hospital” as well as in the new edition of the Inside Health podcast by Asklepios CEO Kai Hankeln. Whether it’s about the number of clinics in Germany that needs to be reduced, or the relief of nursing staff, which should be done in a way other than through collective agreements – he often has his own dedicated point of view. For example, also in digitization. He considers that the fact that data protection is often used in this country in order to keep the status quo unchanged is not only wrong, but even dangerous, because vital information about patients is often not available.

“We need optimism: Digitization will help, digitization makes people healthy, definitely,” says Prof. Werner and at the same time advocates that university hospitals manage the data of their patients in their entirety and use it for research instead of the data about studies pass on to third parties. This approach would enable the pharmaceutical industry to clarify important questions about anonymized data in a controlled and regulated manner without getting it into its own possession. For this, Werner expects a corresponding payment to the university research institutions. However, what may seem strange to many from the mouth of a head of a large publicly funded clinic is quickly cleared up. Access to data is currently free of charge. And without this data there is no further development for individual therapies. “Personalized medicine would never really make any headway without data analytics, never,” emphasizes Prof. Werner, who used to work for the privatized University Hospital Gießen/Marburg (UKGM) and is therefore not afraid of contact with companies.

The shortage of skilled workers is a major problem for all clinics in Germany, especially in the nursing sector. “Without foreign skilled workers in Germany, we will hardly have a chance in this system,” says Kai Hankeln, whose company has been successfully integrating nursing staff from abroad into its own centers for years. Prof. Werner agrees with this unreservedly, who, on the other hand, takes a critical view of the collective bargaining agreements concluded in numerous university clinics and has other ideas for a sensible relief: “We have to get away from the fact that certain activities can only be carried out by registered nursing staff. Those who are there have to We’re holding. The relief helps with that. But the solution cannot be the end: we are closing more and more beds at the university hospitals in order to comply with these rules.” The shortage of skilled workers is also becoming increasingly evident among medical staff. “We are moving in a system where unfortunately we have no long-term planning, but always such short approaches that do not mesh. And here we are definitely reaching the limits of what is feasible with the medical students,” says Prof. Werner.

You can find the podcast on all platforms such as Podigee or Apple and here:

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