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We Talked to Pom Klementieff About the Latest “Guardians of the Galaxy” Movie

Nine years ago, an intergalactic group of outlaws met for the first time under the name “Guardians of the Galaxy”. From this complex role they had to face different challenges, such as fighting Thanos together to the avengersand also fulfill certain missions, such as kidnapping Kevin Bacon during the Christmas. This week all that came to an end, with the premiere of the new film that closes the action saga.

In it Vol.3 they settle in Knowhere. But their lives are soon upended by echoes of Rocket’s troubled past. Peter Quill, still reeling from the loss of Gamora, must assemble his team on a dangerous mission to save Rocket’s life, a mission that, if not completed successfully, could very possibly lead to the end of the Guardians just as we know them.

Under the direction of James Gunnthe film stars Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, with Vin Diesel as Groot and Bradley Cooper as Rocket, Sean Gunn, Chukwudi Iwuji, Will Poulter and Maria Bakalova. You can see the full list of the cast by clicking here.

Pom returns as Mantis. After fighting many battles, the heroine began to accept her powers, find her voice, and trust her role with the Guardians. “I love playing Mantis. I love creating this character, James wrote such an interesting character, it is very fun to get to explore empathy, ”said the French actress about her character, in dialogue with

Precisely, at the press conference for the film, he expanded on this concept: “People always say: ‘rude female characters, I love that’, and I love seeing them, but this is different, we need diversity”, while the director agreed: ” His superpower is empathy. It’s the feelings.”

The difficult task of saying goodbye

Photo: courtesy of the press

During the press conference, Kevin Feige revealed an anecdote from the end of filming that will be marked in the protagonists: Chris Pratt accidentally spilled her coffee in Pom’s bag; After a while she began to cry and said that she was very sad, and when everyone thought it was because of what had happened, she added: ‘I feel that something is ending’”.

In dialogue with this medium, the actress recalled that moment and how the filming was: “There is a scene towards the end of the film in which we are all in a circle, we did this scene towards the end of filming… we thought that it was the last time we played ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ together with James, it was sad”.

“But at the same time it was beautiful, because we care about each other, and we’re going to miss each other, and we’re going to miss the characters as well. That sadness comes and goes, sometimes it just comes at an unexpected time,” he continued.

The post Guardians path and its legacy

Photo: courtesy of the press

“Guardians of the Galaxy” comes to an end; Pom doesn’t know what will happen to her character in the future, but she does outline some ideas: “I love playing the character, so I would love to explore more… sometimes I think it would be beautiful to see a Baby Mantis, it would be so cute, but I don’t know , whenever I played it it was always written by James or supervised by James.”

In fact, he announced that he is already making plans to work with James again in the future. In addition, the actress will participate in the film “Mission Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One”, along with a cast made up of Tom Cruise, Ving Rhames, Henry Czerny, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Vanessa Kirby, Angela Bassett y Frederick Schmidt.

In any case, the work of Guardians will always remain in the hearts of the cast, the fans and also its director, who revealed in this interview with Filo.News what is the mark you want to leave in that world: “I think being able to open up to superheroes and, in my case, with space adventures, which is what the Guardians are, and telling all kinds of stories with those characters is really what I would like it to be my legacy with these characters.”

Marvel Studios’ “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3” was released in theaters today.

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