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"We want to honor Oda’s work": Luffy’s actor in the live-action of One Piece wants even your grandmother to know the nakamas

"We want to honor Oda's work": Luffy's actor in the live-action of One Piece wants even your grandmother to know the nakamas

In just over a month, we will finally see one of the most anticipated live-action adaptations of recent years: One Piece. The Netflix production has spared no production costs and its author, Eiichiro Odahas closely followed the project so that it does not go badly.

One of the great protagonists of the series is Inaki Godoywho will play Luffy in this series and who, through an interview with TotalFilmwanted to make it clear that, in addition to being a series made by and for the fans, it will also be a work that draw the attention of less attached viewers to these kinds of stories.

“We want to honor Oda’s work. (…) Many people already know One Piece. But I want your grandmother to know what One Piece is. I want the whole world to know what One Piece is. And, for the people who They’re already fans, I hope they can relive those iconic moments. And you know, there’s something really special about seeing your favorite characters as real people too. There’s a special magic to it.”

The main function of the series, as Godoy has commented in the interview, is to make the dream of many come true and pay a tribute worthy of such a legendary work as One Piece. Their goal is to honor Oda’s work, and they want to show the whole world that this series is more than an adventure where several characters stick every certain chapters.

He live action One Piece has taken 7 years of production for that very reason. Eiichiro Oda does not want there to be any failure and has forced Netflix to change some parts of the script and re-record different scenes so that the adaptation has the same essence as the manga and anime. one piece will arrive exclusively on the US platform next August 31.

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