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Weapons, threats of mutilation and blows in the assault on a family

The block of 11, between 37 and 38, where the robbery occurred / Gonzalo calvelo

Moments of terror and fright lived yesterday by a family from Barrio Norte after four criminals broke into their property located on Calle 11 between 37 and 38 in broad daylight. The secrecy with which the gang acted, both when entering and advancing through the building, allowed them to reach the kitchen without inconvenience and take the owner of the house by surprise, who was in the middle of preparing food.

The owners of the property, a retired couple, never believed that at 11 in the morning they could end up at the mercy of four violent and armed subjects who used terror to seize various valuables and “who proceeded with a mixture of viciousness and marked professionalism in criminal matters.”

In fact, the homeowner was doing a general cleaning of the garage at the time of the break-in and, in this context, he had the doors of the room where he keeps his car wide open. According to the victims, the gang seemed to have everything “very oiled” since, after entering the back of the house, in a matter of minutes they took control.

First, they subjected her. Then they continued with her husband who, at the time of breaking him, was on the sidewalk. From inside they signaled to him and showed him his wife. Seeing the situation, the man had no choice but to enter the house, close everything and put himself under the orders of the clan.

Finally, those involved went to a room and there they ended up managing to take full control of the situation by reducing two family members who were visiting.

Immediately at that moment they realized that they were becoming part of the long list of assaulted retirees in the Region. And just as they feared, they also suffered firsthand the violence that usually characterizes this type of act of insecurity.

“There is no doubt that it was not the first time they had committed a robbery. Hierarchy, a leader and a plan could be observed. They even found silver in a place that was impossible to reach. Without a doubt, they were professionals, ”the victim who asked to keep his identity safe told this newspaper.

Despite the fact that the assailants found a sum of money, based on the idea that the retiree “was hiding information from him”, they began a fierce interrogation, which included both physical and psychological torture.

“They broke everything. Some things, like vases and crockery, were thrown on the floor just for throwing them away. For viciousness I think it must have been to intimidate us. They beat us, they threatened us that they would cut off my wife’s finger if we didn’t tell them exactly where we kept our savings,” the victim said.

After four hours of suffering, the subjects finally left the house carrying suitcases with everything they found in their path. Even the family car where they loaded the loot.

Unlike what happens in most house robberies, where the criminals focus in particular on the rooms when searching for money and other valuables, in the house of this retired couple “they searched everything” as if they were convinced that they were going to find a large amount.

In this line, the family does not rule out the possibility that the thieves have made the coup with “a piece of information.” This hypothesis is supported by the fact that they have recorded very specific places where the couple kept their valuables.

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