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Weather in Cartagena de Indias: the prediction for this December 26

Beyond checking the weather forecast to know what to wear or whether or not to pack a raincoat, the weather report It is an instrument that has become essential for various sectors such as the transportation (by sky, sea and land), agriculture, tourism, disaster prevention, public health and even to carry out military operations.

But if by itself predict the weather This could be complex, but another variant is added: climate change, which has made the need to keep up to date in order to act and act even more urgent. adopt public policies that reduce disaster risks such as alerts about floods, droughts, icy waves, a bad landing and other related phenomena.

In this context, here the weather report for the next few hours in Cartagena de Indias:

The weather for this Monday in Cartagena de Indias will reach 31 degrees, while the minimum temperature it will be 24 degrees. The UV index forecast is 5.

As for the rain rainfall forecast for said city it will be 1%, with a cloudiness of 76%, during the day; and 1%, with a cloudiness of 2%, throughout the night.

Meanwhile, the gusts of wind will reach 30 kilometers per hour during the day and 24 kilometers per hour at night.

The weather in Cartagena

Despite being located on the northern coast of Colombia, very close to the Caribbean Sea, the climate in the city of Cartagena is semi-arid, characterized by being hot and dryalthough the breeze makes it somewhat pleasant.

In Cartagena the average temperature Annually around 27 degrees Celsius, according to the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM).

During the day, the maximum temperature It oscillates between 31 and 33 degrees Celsius. While at dawn, the minimum temperature drops to 24 and 25 degrees Celsius.

Cartagena reports a long rainy season and a short dry season throughout the year.

The rainy season It runs from May to November, with October being the rainiest month.

For his part, dry days for Cartagena they are from December to April, the first three months of the year being the driest.

The climate in Cartagena is semi-arid, characterized by being hot and dry, although the breeze makes it somewhat pleasant (Infobae File)

The four climates of Colombia

The weather in Colombia is very varied.the climate is affected due to its geographical complexity as are the coasts of the Caribbean Sea to the North, the current of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the mountain ranges that cross it through the center from north to south.

According to IDEAM there are at least four types of weather in the country: tropical, dry, temperate and cold high mountain.

In the case of tropical climatesfour subtypes are identified: rainy jungle or equatorial, rainy forest or monsoonal, savannah with dry winter and savannah with dry summer.

The tropical rain forest or equatorial It covers areas such as the center and north of the Amazon, the entire Pacific Region, parts of Antioquia, western Santander, Boyacá and Cundinamarca, the Catatumbo area and the Amazon foothills. Meanwhile he tropical rainy forest or monsoonal it reaches the foothills of the plains and the extreme south of the Caribbean region.

The savannah with dry winter includes most of the Caribbean and Orinoquia region, as well as the lower sectors in Santander and Antioquia. Refering to savannah with dry summer. It adds the inter-Andean valleys in Tolima, Huila, Valle, Cauca and Nariño.

For him Dry weatherin Colombia the very hot arid or desert and very hot semi-arid or steppe. The first is perceived in the upper part of Guajira and the second in the middle and lower zone of the same department plus sectors of the Caribbean coast.

The mild weather it is felt in the middle and lower areas of the three mountain ranges of the Colombian country; Meanwhile he high mountain coldas its name says, in the upper levels of the three mountain ranges.


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