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Weather in the City of Buenos Aires and surroundings: what is the weather forecast for May 6

The weather forecast for this Saturday, May 6 in the City of Buenos Aires and its surroundings indicates that the sky will be cloudy with isolated rains during the day and drizzle at night, reported the National Meteorological Service (SMN).

At the same time, there will be winds from the east sector rotating north, with gusts of up to 50 km/hour, and a minimum temperature of 16 degrees and a maximum of 19. As for humidity, it would be 95 percent.

For tomorrow, Sunday, the agency forecasts a day with drizzle until noon, mostly cloudy skies, winds from the northwest sector rotating west and then variable, and a temperature will be between a minimum of 16 degrees and a maximum of 19 degrees.

Meanwhile, on Monday partly cloudy skies to partly cloudy are forecast, wind from the west sector and a minimum temperature of 12 degrees and a maximum of 21.

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