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Webinar: Security Best Practices mit Apple CryptoKit (Last Call)

Encrypting app data should be a matter of course, both in terms of the General Data Protection Regulation and when dealing with sensitive and confidential data – as required by the Trade Secrets Act, for example.

With the old, C-based cryptography library CommonCrypto, iOS developers only had a bulky and error-prone tool at hand for a long time. Apple’s CryptoKit framework finally delivers a modern tool for cryptographic operations on all of the manufacturer’s platforms.

Im Mac & i-Webinar “Security Best Practices mit CryptoKit” the app developer and specialist author Klaus Rodewig explains how cryptography can be implemented with CryptoKit in iOS apps and how cryptographic operations can be used across systems.

Using the example implementation of a challenge-response procedure, the webinar guides you through all relevant functions of CryptoKit. This ranges from generating a signing key in the Secure Enclave on the iPhone to encrypting and decrypting and exchanging data with a backend server. The important question of which practical problems can arise when using cryptography across systems is not left out.

The 120-minute webinar is aimed at developers and will take place on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Mac & i editor Inge Schwabe will be the moderator. Participants can conveniently ask questions via chat and then receive unlimited access to the recording and all materials. The ticket to participate costs 129 euros.

With the new Mac & i Pro subscription for admins and developers Participation in this and other webinars is free of charge, a total of 24 webinars per year are included.


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