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Wedding planning: alternative and personal: information day for bridal couples in Bottrop

The “Cozy Wedding Club” celebrates its premiere in the market district. The organizers want to set themselves apart from classic wedding fairs with their offer.

Vanessa Schreiber clearly sees herself as part of the market district in Bottrop with her bridal fashion shop “something blue” on Poststraße. When she, together with other service providers from the wedding industry, considered setting up an alternative wedding fair, she wanted to do the same in the market district. And that’s exactly how it is now: The “Cozy Wedding Club” celebrates its premiere on Sunday, January 29th, in the piece.gut.

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Piece.good, that is the “living room in the middle of the city” of the parish of St. Cyriakus on the church square, which, like “something blue”, was also part of the Marktviertel Sounds music festival. A “cozy wedding club” should fit in well there. This should stand out clearly from other event formats related to marriage. “We’re not a fan of large, anonymous wedding fairs,” says Vanessa Schreiber, who is one of the initiators together with her partner, wedding photographer Björn Schreiber, and Maya Wenzke from Pottpapeterie in Essen.

Cozy Wedding Club Bottrop: Personal conversations, inspiring decoration

So there should be no classic exhibition stands, but, for example, laid, decorated tables as inspiration. A model presents bridal wear. The hospitality includes (non-alcoholic) cocktails from a mobile bar service and wedding sweets from the Bottrop cake baker Da Rino. The exhibitors want to talk to the couples and respond to individual wishes; it should all be very personal.

“I see that many couples are shown what a wedding should be like,” says the Bottrop wedding photographer Björn Schreiber. Because it’s trending right now, because it’s so prevalent on social media. “We support the couples to find their own,” the organizing team agrees.

Wedding service providers present themselves as a team

A total of twelve service providers from the region who know each other are taking part. She likes to work with other service providers who, at best, serve the same bridal couple as she does, says Vanessa Schreiber. “We are also asked for recommendations by the couples,” says Maya Wenzke, who makes invitations, menu cards and the like herself. With all her co-exhibitors in the “Cozy Wedding Club” she can do that from the heart.

In addition to the Martkviertel coffee trolley, there are also suppliers from the fields of wedding speeches, music, floristry, styling, jewelery and furniture rental. They all contribute to the raffle that day. For example, wedding singer Tim Nikolay is giving away a living room concert, and Maya Wenzke is donating an individually designed welcome sign.

Cozy Wedding Club, Sunday, January 29, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., St. Cyriakus priory property, Kirchplatz 2-3, no registration necessary, free entry. Info:

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