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Weekly summary: the tensions between the Nation and the City continue due to the co-participation


This week the tensions between the Government and the City for national co-participation continued. After the Supreme Court of Justice ordered an increase in the co-participation percentage for the City of Buenos Aires, in the coming days The national government will define the bill to compensate for the rulingwhich supposes $200,000 million in favor of the Federal Capital.

Although Alberto Fernández maintained that he was going to abide by it, he stated that affects legitimate rights of the Argentine provinces and breaks equality on which federalism is based in our National Constitution”. Furthermore, he added that Currently, the only way to comply with the precautionary measure is with the remaining TX31 bonds. “The solution is to ask Congress to expand the budget”he concluded.

However, later the Government asked the Supreme Court to suspend the ruling and it resolved to postpone the definitions until after the judicial fair, for which reason the final decision was postponed to February.

In this note We tell you how the provinces reacted to the Court’s ruling.

At the same time, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta announced the incorporation of Martín Redrado, Waldo Wolff and Silvia Lospennato to the Buenos Aires Cabinet. Patricia Bullrich, her main rival within Juntos por el Cambio for the electoral contest, questioned these changes: “A lot of charge, right? It seems to me that the country’s political discussion is less charge and more austerity”pointed out the owner of PRO.

The head of government responded that “none of these additions represent an increase in the structure and spending of the Government.” “It is the product of an internal restructuring that allows adding people with a lot of experience”he explained.

In another order of things, on Wednesday Cristina Fernández de Kirchner He led an act for the inauguration of the Diego Armando Maradona sports center in the Avellaneda district of Buenos Aires together with Mayor Jorge Ferraresi and Governor Axel Kicillof.

After the Vice President’s speech, the The provincial president said: “We all saw how they shot you in the head with their hearts in their mouths. They have tried to cover it up, now they do not want to investigate it. They have issued a scandalous sentence asking for jail. After that they sought your ban. But you know what? We are not afraid of them. We need you, Cristina, to continue advancing with rights, right to the future”.

A day earlier in a radio interview, Ferraresi had declared that he does not rule out that the former president is a candidate in 2023: “I prefer the phrase that she is going to do what she has to do, and in that ‘I am going to do what she has to do,’ one of the probabilities is that she will be a candidate. And we have to build the political space that supports that candidacy.”.

In this sense, the national deputy Eduardo Valdés called to fight against “the ban” and “generate the conditions” for the CFK to be a candidate in the next elections.

In this note We take a tour of the events that marked Argentine politics in 2022.


In the United States the number of deaths from snow storms amounted to 56 and currently thousands of people are without electricity and millions are facing alerts due to strong winds. From the authorities they warned: “It is too soon to say that it is over.”

In addition, next January 1 Sweden will assume the presidency of the European Union and this will be the third time that he exercises the bloc’s biannual mandate, after 2001 and 2009.

In Bolivia they arrested Luis Camacho, governor of the department of Santa Cruz and opposition leader to the government. Although the Santa Cruz Governorate denounced the event as a “kidnapping”, Government Minister Eduardo Del Castillo reported the arrest and denied that the opposition leader had “injuries.”


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