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Well-being Pension 2023: Who will have to change their card in April?

The authorities of the Welfare Pension 2023 iThey reported that in the month of April several beneficiaries will have to change their card payment for one of Wellness BankHere we tell you the details.

It should be remembered that the banking process so that all the elderly of the 2023 Welfare Pension have a new Banco del Bienestar card has the purpose of eliminating intermediaries at the time of payment by the beneficiaries, so this process It will speed up the bimonthly deposits by concentrating all the beneficiaries in a single liquidator.

Thus, the process of changing the new Welfare Pension card is a process that will be mandatory to carry out during this year, which is expected to conclude in mid-2023 since the operations are gradual, but as of April it will be time for more older adults obtain the plastic from the Welfare Bank with which they can collect their bimonthly payment of 4,800 pesos.

These are the older adults who change the new 2023 Well-being Pension card in April

According to the authorities of the 2023 Well-being Pension, older adults who must go through the process to change their card for a new one from Banco del Bienestar are those who received their financial support by deposit at BBVA Bancomer.

Said indication was emphasized by the Well-being delegate in Veracruz, Manuel Huerta, who mentioned that the bankarization process is very close: “We are seeing if the migration from Bancomer to Well-being will be for April or May, but it will already be, well it is the next block”, commented the official.

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For his part, the delegate of the Well-being programs in Yucatán, Javier Díaz Mena, confirmed that they already have the plastics that will be delivered in April: “Almost 20,000 new Banco del Bienestar cards have already arrived and they are from Bancomer , therefore many of us are going to prepare an operation and we are going to make it known next week to quote them ”, he explained.

Thus, everything indicates that in the coming days the elderly who until now received the 2023 Well-being Pension with plastic from BBVA Bancomer, will soon receive instructions so that during April they will change their card for a new one from Banco del Bienestar. It is important that they comply with this process, as it is necessary if they wish to continue receiving this financial support.

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