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Western Digital customer warning: New details on the hacker attack

Western Digital has confirmed access to its online store’s database and has temporarily taken the store offline. Now it is said that some personal customer data has been stolen, accordingly the company is now warning its customers.

At the beginning of April, an attack on the network of the manufacturer Western Digital became known. Since then, the company has been trying to find out, but has not yet been able to restore all systems and guarantee safety.

According to one Report by Caschy Western Digital online store customers are currently receiving an email with a warning and details of the security incident. The shop is currently unavailable and is expected to go online again on May 8th. Previously, the shop was accessible, but you could not buy anything.

Details confirmed for the first time

There is now also more detailed information about which data, according to the investigations, the unknown hackers were able to access. It should be, among other things, customer names and shipping addresses, e-mail and telephone numbers. Data such as passwords and credit card information were only stored in encrypted form. Western Digital has temporarily blocked customer accounts for accessing the online store and is now asking customers to be particularly careful to protect themselves from misuse of their data. In particular, a warning is given against e-mails that ask for further personal data. Western Digital is offering a telephone hotline (00800-27549338) for German customers from Monday, May 8th. There, customers can ask their questions about the security incident.

High ransom demand

According to their own statements, the attackers captured a total of around 10 terabytes of data, including customer information from the store. The hackers demanded that Western Digital pay an “at least eight-figure” ransom for their loot. Otherwise they threaten to publish the data.

  • Western Digital: Attack on network, store temporarily offline
  • Email to customer with alert and details of incident
  • Hackers steal around 10 TB of data, including customer info from Store
  • Customer accounts suspended, special attention required
  • Telephone hotline from May 8, ransom demand “at least eight digits”
  • There is a risk of data disclosure if the ransom is not paid

See also:

Internet, safety, vulnerability, hacker, security, attack, hack, crime, Trojan, virus, malware, exploit, cybercrime, cybersecurity, hacker attack, hacking, Internet crime, system, hacker attacks, hacker attack, hacking, attack, hacks, crime, Hacked, Pest, Hacked, System Hacked

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