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What are edible succulents and how to care for them

Although the succulents They are highly sought after by gardening lovers for their versatility and particular beauty, there is a detail that makes the difference. There are certain varieties that are also characterized by being edible.

The succulents from which some form of food can be obtained have many shapes and sizes. These succulents can not only be had as ornamental alternatives, but also tasty treats.

Certain cacti bear exquisite fruits.

In general, all succulents They can store more water than other plants. They have the ability to absorb moisture from the air and retain it in their leaves, stems and roots. They can activate the good energy of abundance.

Between the succulent plants that are also considered edible are dragon fruit (pitaya), nopal (tuna), saguaro cactus, aloe vera and aloe barbadensis, barrel cactus and sedum.

The pitaya is highly valued by professional chefs.

of all these the best known is the dragon fruit which is extremely nutritious and is considered by some to be a super food. It is widely chosen in the field of gastronomy because of its particular sweet flavor.

These plants will require specific care. Although they do not need many nutrients, it is essential that they are in a suitable substrate and that it can drain excess water because they do not tolerate excessive watering or flooding.

With a simple boil, aloe vera turns out to be a delicacy.

Recipes with succulents

There are different ways to enjoy these succulents groceries. Dragon fruit is ideal for smoothies and many names in international cuisine use it as a dressing for fresh salads in the summer.

In certain places they produce dragon fruit.

Nopal is a great ingredient for tacos and other Mexican dishes, plus it can be used to make sweets. Aloe can be boiled and eaten or used for jellies. Barrel cactus makes a great appetizer, and sedum can be boiled and used as a garnish.

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