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What are the benefits of being punctual in your payments?

draw a creditwhether personal for our business, generates a series of responsibilities that we assume and the obligation to comply with all installments until the total amount owed is paid.

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Agrobanco’s Business Management points out why punctuality in the payments of the loans we contract is important:

one. History and trust. Punctuality in payments generates a good credit history (a report that keeps track of your behavior for all the financial products we request) and trust in the entire financial system (not just in our bank).

To comply with payment schedules, it is advisable to have it in an orderly manner. Stock.

2. Avoid additional costs. If you pay outside the scheduled date, additional costs (late payments and fines) will be generated and arrears will be reported to credit bureaus, which will affect your credit history.

3. Access to credits. If we are fulfilled, that is a letter of introduction to access new credits, even with better conditions of amount, interest rate and payment term, because we are considered good payers.


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