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What are the requirements you must meet to be Erika Buenfil’s boyfriend?

What are the requirements you must meet to be Erika Buenfil’s boyfriend?

Erika Buenfil She is considered one of the favorite actresses of the Mexican public, since it is not a secret that with her performances she has managed to steal the hearts of many, since her talent and charisma is undeniable.

It should be noted that the actress has been single for several years, dedicated to her career, raising her only son Nicholas and, recently, as an influencer after publishing content on their social networks such as TikTokin which, the name of ‘The Queen of TikTok’.

Although, in various interviews, he did admit that he regretted not getting married, since he prioritized his artistic career, he has had some love affairs with figures from the show and politics.

And although she admits that she is not currently looking for a partner, since she feels like a full woman being single, her prospects must meet certain requirements to be able to start a romantic relationship with the actress.

In a recent interview taken up by Mezcal TVErika Buenfil clarified that she does not rule out opening the doors to love and falling in love again.

The protagonist of ‘Marisol’ he revealed that he prefers formal and mature gentlemen, however, he clarifies that they should not be too old for her, nor should she be much younger than him.

For the actress of ‘True loves’ The age difference is important when establishing a sentimental relationship.

The maximum age in terms of age difference between her and the prospect must be 5 years. No more.

“Yes, I care about the age difference; maximum, five years younger than me and older [también] Nor rucos, I don’t want to!” Buenfil clarified emphatically.

He also added that the prospect must be a hard-working personvery sure of himself and being aware that his partner -Erika Buenfil- is a media figure, sometimes controversial, which usually generates certain comments from the press and the public.

Since the actress admits that, generally, that she is in the “public eye” It is not usually well seen by some gallants.

“If he arrives, it doesn’t matter where he is from, that he is a hard-working man and that he is fine, nothing more,” he said.

Erika Buenfil reflected on the fact that, after having become a mother, his way of flirting changedHowever, she still remembers how to attract a man in a casual way.

“Yes, I’m very flirtatious. Well, not anymore, huh? It took off, I became a good person and mom,” he commented. Although she is no longer “so fanciful,” she admits that if she likes a man, “if she takes a look at him,” she concluded.

It may interest you: Erika Buenfil steals the look with a sensual swimsuit

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