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What benefits do pets provide to children with attention deficit?

What benefits do pets provide to children with attention deficit?

MIAMI.- Interaction with a pet positively impacts the cognitive, social and emotional development of children, especially those diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The relationships and special bond established between the child and the pet contribute to a better development of their ability to relate to other people, in addition to providing them with more responsibility and autonomy.

ADHD is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. It is characterized by symptoms that include problems maintaining attention, marked hyperactivity, and some impulsive behaviors.

However, for several years, the behavior of children with behavioral disorders has been studied and it has been shown that pets contribute to improving their time management skills, self-esteem, their ability to follow routines and reduce symptoms. and stress levels.


Best Friends Animal Society, a leading animal welfare organization, highlights the great benefit of adopting a pet and allowing them to interact with children in their home environment.

Experts from NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center share a series of benefits that pets have on children with ADHD:

Among the emotional skills that can be fostered with the presence of an animal, specialists highlight the development of empathy and compassion, fundamental feelings for a child to understand the importance of the emotions of others.

Other benefits of interacting with animals such as dogs and cats is the increase in self-esteem, which will improve with the affection, loyal love and affection that they can offer to children, making them feel special with their presence. So it’s a wonderful reason to encourage this type of interaction.

On the other hand, they point out that by allowing the child to care for another living being and ensure its well-being, a sense of responsibility and maturity will be instilled from an early age. In addition to being an opportunity for her to learn how her actions affect other human beings.

Likewise, they highlight that it has been shown that having their first pet can positively influence a child’s learning, improve their reading skills and confidence by making them feel comfortable and relaxed in the family and school environment.

Dogs bring love home

Best Friends also refers to therapy dogs as a modality to treat children with neurobiological disorders because they provide a warmer and more welcoming environment.

“The dog is not going to judge him for his behavior, he is not going to correct him for his lack of attention, he is simply going to be a resource for the child, so that through him he can work and strengthen concepts that, with his help , they will resonate better with the child,” they indicated.

Best Friends invited you to go to the nearest shelters if you need to adopt a dog or cat for your family or children. The spokesperson for Best Friends, Ivonne Aguilar, stated that it is important to take into account that until June, “pets will not have adoption costs in all centers in the country, courtesy of Blue Buffalo and Walmart.”

The organization, which works to end the killing of dogs and cats in the nation’s shelters by 2025, recently launched a national campaign to encourage more dogs and cats to be adopted from shelters across the United States and into loving homes.

Founded in 1984, it pioneered the no-kill movement and has helped reduce the number of animals euthanized in shelters from approximately 17 million per year to 400,000.

Best Friends has the largest sanctuary in the country and carries out life-saving programs nationwide, working collaboratively with a network of around 4,700 partners dedicated to promoting animal welfare.


Source: With information from Best Friends Animal Society

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