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What did the Police say about the death of a young man at the hands of uniformed officers in Santa Marta?

¿Qué dijo el Dir. de la Policía por muerte de motociclista a manos de uniformados en Santa Marta?

General William René Salamanca, general director of the Police, lamented the death of 24-year-old Erick Melo Escobar in Santa Marta, apparently at the hands of a patrolman from that institution and during a control procedure, which sparked serious protests in that city.

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What did General Salamanca say about the death of the young man from Santa Marta?

“Given the unfortunate events in which the young Erick Melo Escobar lost his life, I ordered the immediate transfer of the Inspector General to Santa Marta, to offer the greatest institutional transparency. Let’s not fall into factual ways. Our condolences to the family,” said the general, through his Twitter account.

While the Santa Marta Metropolitan Police, in addition to regretting what happened, assured that the investigation into “the circumstances of manner, time and place surrounding the facts» will be assumed by the General Prosecutor’s Office.

The institution assured that “the uniformed” related to the death of the young man “They were separated from their posts while the investigation is underway,” all this “within the framework of the Honesty pillar of the National Police”, in a statement released on Saturday night.

While the mayor of Santa Marta, Virna Johnson, sent condolences to the relatives of the deceased young motorcyclist, while rejecting the acts that led to the vandalization of buildings and public property.

“We ask for the prosecution of those who They have vandalized the public property of the Samarios“Said the mayor on her Twitter account.

“My condolences to Erick’s family and friends, I have given the instruction to @promsocialsmr to accompany the family from the Mayor’s Office,” he added.

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