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What do I do to make my son drop the cell phone? Will it be an addiction?

With the start of the holidays, boys have more free time and usually use it to surf the internet, check social networks or be ‘stuck’ with a video game on their cell phone, tablet or computer. So that it does not become an addiction and your children can also develop other areas of their personality, it is important that you put clear rules and limits on the use of technological devices.

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“Many parents think that the solution is yelling or hitting. They are wrong, what they should do is sit at the table with their little ones and talk. There they must establish schedules and routines, but everything must be clear so that they comply with it and there are no problems later “recommended the psychologist Mayra Velásquez Puelles.


AVOID PHRASES: ‘Drop the cell phone, ‘I said!’, ‘Give it to me!’, ‘You’re a bad boy for grabbing the cell phone.’ They will not work, they will only make the boy more rebellious. And if you hit them, you will only feed resentment, hatred and frustration.

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TEACH BY EXAMPLE. Also, don’t be on your cell phone at all times, children are ‘sponges’ that absorb everything they see and hear.

PROMOTES ENTERTAINMENT SPACES. They can be board games or outdoor sports. It also includes walks and trips, remember that they are on vacation and need to enjoy that time with the family.

Did you know…

It is important that you monitor what your children see on the internet and social networks, as well as the applications (Apps) they have installed on the smartphone.

THANK YOU: Instagram: @psicologa.mayra.puelles.

How does the change of home affect children?

The move usually brings drastic changes in the children, if they are not previously explained why the change of home is due and where they will go. For example, they may be afraid of losing contact with their friends in the neighborhood and anxious about not knowing if they will like the new home. This impact will be greater if the child is over 3 years old.

“In the face of a change of home, the little ones can present regressions (peeing again when they already controlled the sphincters, mispronouncing words, etc.), sudden changes in behavior (irritabilityrebellion, anxiety, sadnessaggressiveness, crying), school failure (their performance at school will drop and they will not want to do their homework) and sleep and appetite disturbances”warns the psychologist and psychotherapist Walter Hinojosa.


♦Explain to them the real reasons why they have to move, so that they understand that you are not doing it to make their lives miserable or because it just occurred to you.

♦Have a positive and happy attitude towards the change. If your offspring see you down, angry, uncomfortable, or sad, they’ll pick up that vibe.

♦Ask them to help decorate and arrange the furniture in the new house. You can also tell them to support you to put things in the boxes. The idea is to make them part of the move.


If you also moved when you were little, tell him about your experience and the positive lessons you have learned. This way they will feel understood and know that they can count on you.


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