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What does bay leaf do to cockroaches? Say goodbye to them!

The cockroaches they are very repulsive insects to most people. It’s hard to find someone who enjoys having them as guests in their home, as they can come with a large number of eggs and multiply quickly.

Unfortunately, cockroaches have the habit of laying their eggs in comfortable and warm placessuch as the back of the refrigerator or microwave.

For this reason, it is important to take measures to prevent their presence in our home. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that these insects can also be found in other appliances such as the oven.

And you have to keep in mind that a single cockroach can lay between 30 and 40 eggs. The female carries the eggs for three weeks until the young are born.

For this reason, it is essential to take measures to eliminate them as soon as possible or, even better, before they reproduce, since this can make it even more difficult to eliminate the pest in our home.

Fortunately, today there are many home methods that can help you get rid of cockroaches in your home. One of the simplest and most effective methods is the use of bay leaves.

It has long been known that cockroaches hate the smell of bay leaves, which is pleasant for humans. Therefore, using bay leaves is a quick and effective way to drive them away.

For this reason, in The Truth News we will share a Home remedy cash so you can remove cockroaches from your home easily and efficiently.

Laurel home remedy to eliminate cockroaches

Laurel home remedy to eliminate cockroaches

200 grams of bay leaf

To prepare this home remedy, you must crush the bay leaves until they turn into powder.

Next, spread the powder in different areas of the house where you think roaches may enter or be present.

You will see that in a short time it will begin to take effect and your home will be free of cockroaches. This method is very effective and easy to perform.

It may interest you: This tropical fruit will help you eliminate cockroaches!

What does Suavitel or fabric softener do to cockroaches?

What does Suavitel or fabric softener do to cockroaches?

A mixture of water and fabric softener is another natural and effective way of remove cockroaches quickly.

Like most insects, cockroaches breathe through their skin. When sprayed with a solution of three parts fabric softener and two parts water, they have difficulty breathing and eventually die from suffocation. This method is very effective and a natural way to eliminate cockroaches.

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