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What does it mean to dream of a cage? This dream can be very revealing

It has happened to you that you dream that you are in a cage and when you get up you feel a little afraid, this dream can be quite revealing, and in The Truth News we share what is the Dreams meaning with this object.

This dream can be somewhat disturbing and distressing, because a cage can represent a limitation to freedom, it can symbolize that a person is trapped in a relationship or situation from which they cannot escape or it can mean other things.

And that is why we let you know what this dream could mean, since you must remember each object that appears in the dream of dreaming about cages, it may even be that an animal is trapped there, which can mean an aspect of your personality.

What is the meaning of dreams with a cage?

Dreaming of a cage can mean that you feel trapped in your work.

To dream that you are trapped in a cage, it can mean that you feel that you are trapped in a relationship or at work, it makes you feel uncomfortable, in the same way, this dream can mean emotional isolation or feelings of loneliness.

But, if in the dream you see an animal in a cage, it can mean an aspect of your personality that is being repressed, you feel frustrated for not expressing what you feel. Now, if the cage is seen as a protective measure, it can indicate security.

And if you dream that the cage is empty, it can mean a new beginning, you feel ready to start a new stage in your life and thus be able to free yourself from limitations.

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What happens if I dream every day with the same person?

Dreaming of the same person may mean that person is thinking of you

If you have wondered what is the meaning of dreams of dreaming about a person, it may be a sign that that person is thinking of you at that moment and that they may appear in your life again. It can also mean that you are curious about how they are doing in their life, and what your life with that person could be like.

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