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What fines does the SAT apply to you for not complying with tax obligations?

If you are one of those who consider that complying with the Fiscal obligations before him SAT It can be complicated, let us tell you that carrying out the procedures on time and having a good relationship with the Tax Administration Service is much better than paying large fines.

The Annual statement Tax is one of the mandatory procedures for most taxpayers; however, it is important to be clear that there are other obligations, which in case you do not comply, you could be deserving of a fine.

Remember that if you presented errors in your annual declaration, you can still make a supplementary statement through the SAT website. If you have not done either of the two, the tax authorities could apply a fine ranging from 1,400 pesos to 17,370 pesos.

Why can the SAT fine me?

The SAT can apply sanctions for failing to comply with tax obligations.

He Service tax administration has the power to apply fines or sanctions when they breach the Fiscal obligations. Next we leave you the list of the fines to which you can be a creditor if you do not comply.

  • Fine for failing to comply with the issuance of CFDI 3.3 (Electronic invoices): The penalty can range from 15,280 to 87,350 pesos, according to the Federal Tax Code.
  • Fine for not activating the Tax Mailbox: Failing to manage electronic accounting. The penalty ranges from 1,520 to 15,140 pesos.
  • For exceeding one thousand pesos in cash deposits: The tax is calculated by multiplying the amount exceeded by a rate of three percent.

What happens if I do not pay the SAT as an individual?

In case of omitting the monthly tax payments within the period established by the tax provisions, keep in mind that you must pay surcharges and updates for these amounts.

It may interest you: SAT: What are the fines for not submitting the annual return on time?

How can I know if I have fines in the SAT?

The Tax Administration Service has the power to apply fines or sanctions.

  • Enter the SAT portal.
  • Log in with your RFC and password.
  • Then click on the ‘Tax Credits’, ‘Services’ and ‘Total payment form’ section.
  • In the latter, the credits that you have pending payment or, where appropriate, the fines established by the SAT must appear.

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