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What happens if a woman takes folic acid without being pregnant?

What happens if a woman takes folic acid without being pregnant?

When a woman is pregnant it is known that the folic acid It is essential to preserve the health of the baby, but have you ever wondered what would happen if it was consumed without being pregnant?

Well, folic acid is a vitamin and if you take it without being pregnant nothing bad happens, on the contrary, you would be preventing anemia and helping your body to produce new cells.

For women of reproductive age, consuming folic acid before being pregnant, in addition to preventing anemia, will help prevent damage to the neural tube (tubular structure where the embryo’s central nervous system develops) of the future fetus, due to the fact that the acid folic acid accumulates in the body.

What is folic acid used for?

Folic acid is a vitamin, also known as folate, pteroylglutamic acid, vitamin B9 or vitamin M, it is used to:

  • The growth and proper functioning of cells.
  • The formation of red blood cells, that is, the synthesis of hemoglobin (part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen to the cells).
  • Prevents congenital problems in the brain and spine of the embryo.
  • Keeps the uterus healthy.
  • Prevents premature birth.
  • Avoid low birth weight.
  • Prevents deformations in the placenta.
  • Reduces the chances of repeat miscarriages.
  • Prevents cardiac malformations in the fetus.

What foods have folic acid?

Everyone can take folic acid. This vitamin not only helps pregnant women or those who want to get pregnant, everyone can take folic acid to prevent anemia and help the body make new cells.

Anyone can take folic acid supplements or foods that contain this vitamin. Among the rich foods of this vitamin, are:

  • Liver.
  • Garbanzo beans.
  • Spinach.
  • Quinoa.
  • Chard.
  • Soy.
  • Cabbage.
  • Broccoli.
  • Lentils.
  • Tomatoes.

When do you take folic acid?

Anyone can ingest folic acid in food, but if it comes to supplements (tablets), these can be taken at any time, although it is better in the morning.

It may interest you: What is folic acid used for and what foods is it in?

What happens if I take folic acid every day?

If you take folic acid every day you can prevent anemia and if you are a woman of childbearing age you prevent damage to the development of the fetus. But what if I take a lot of folic acid? if you consume large amounts (more than 1000 micrograms a day) it can cause stomach pain, nausea, and it could also inhibit the absorption of zinc.

What benefits does folic acid have in women?

Regardless of gender or age, everyone can benefit from folic acid by preventing anemia, but in women of reproductive age the benefits are even greater:

  • Prevents anemia, common during menstruation.
  • Helps the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  • It keeps the uterus healthy.
  • In pregnant women the benefits are also for the baby, preventing it from:
  • Spina bifida: spinal cord condition at the birth of the baby.
  • Anencephaly: when a baby is born without some parts of the brain and skull.
  • cardiac malformations.
  • Premature birth.

Does folic acid help to get pregnant?

Folic acid is a vitamin, therefore there are not enough studies to show that it contributes to fertility. However, it does help women before and during the first months of pregnancy for the birth of a healthy baby.

How long does folic acid take to work?

To have the benefits of this vitamin, already explained, it is recommended to take it regularly for at least 3 months to avoid anemia and if you plan a pregnancy, at least 6 months before.

What causes a lack of folic acid?

As this vitamin helps the nervous system, its low levels in the body can cause lack of concentration.

By preventing anemia, its shortage can lead to weakness.

It causes anencephaly, as well as damage to the neural tube in the fetus.

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