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What happens if I don’t leave the chickpeas soaking?

The chickpeas They are a great source of protein and fiber that provide the nine essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals that are key to health. It has a rich flavor; however, preparing them is somewhat tedious, since they must be soaked for long hours.

What if you forgot to do it? In The Truth News We explain in detail some homemade tricks to end this problem so that you can share them with your family and friends.

He chickpea It is a menestra with many benefits for our body. It is a food suitable for all people, and its contribution of carbohydrates and proteins make it very suitable for states of asthenia, children, adolescents and people who make physical efforts, such as athletes.

Why do you have to soak the chickpeas?

Soaking chickpeas before cooking has several benefits.. One of the main reasons is that it helps reduce cooking time.

When chickpeas are soakedabsorb water and swell, which speeds up the cooking process and allows them to cook more evenly.

Besides, soaking also helps make the chickpeas easier to digest. Chickpeas contain certain types of complex carbohydrates that can be difficult for some people to digest.

He soaking helps reduce the amount of these carbohydrates and therefore makes chickpeas are easier on the digestive system.

In addition, soaking also helps remove dirt, residues and other contaminants that may be present in the chickpeas.

Rinsing the soaked chickpeas before cooking removes these unwanted elements and ensures that the chickpeas are clean and safe to eat.

It may interest you: Chickpeas Mexican style, the ideal recipe to close the day very healthy

How to soften chickpeas if you don’t leave them soaking?

But is there a way to soften up harder strains like the chickpeawithout resorting to the lengthy soaking process?

Then cover the container well with plastic wrap and make a small hole with a knife in the center of the plastic, and then put it in the microwave for 15 minutes at maximum power. After the time has elapsed, let the legumes rest and cool, and then cook as if we had done a normal soak.

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