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What happens if you haven’t masturbated for 1 month?

Much has been said about what happens if you don’t stop masturbating: that your corneas fall out, that permanent hair grows on your hands, that you annoy the entire saints, that you will rot in the worst of the circles of hell, the one reserved for the depraved and outgoing… But what if will you stop doing it?

We will not go to religions, nor to obtuse parents with little documentation, since we have a more than formed judgment of their always respectable opinion.

In The Truth News We are going to review some notes that science has given in recent years and try to get our own opinion about this issue that always afflicts us.

What happens if you haven’t masturbated for 1 month?

Masturbating is quite common. More than 50% of women and 70% of men claim to do it regularly at least once a month.

Yes, it’s a lot of fun and it fills our lives, but what if we stopped doing it? Not during the typical three-day period we challenge ourselves to do it, more!, sort of like forever.

A certain study carried out in China in 2003 on the subject, affirms that after a week testosterone levels rise by 40 or 45%.

This caught the attention of the press around the world and even led to the formation of an association of people who do not masturbate, based on an outraged thread on the Reddit forum, known as NoFap (fap: internet slang to refer to masturbation).

Friends of this non-jerking community affirm that, by not giving in to onanism, they have improved in bed and show a better quality of sperm. They even claim to have improved their self-esteem, motivation and happiness. Are they right?

Well, first of all, what the media didn’t say about that article from 2003 is that after the week with a 40% increase in testosterone on the eighth or ninth day the results were back down to normal levels.

And it is that other studies on abstinence tell us that there is not really a difference in testosterone between those who do not touch themselves down there and those who do it normally.

So changes in testosterone would be a matter of diet or sports, for example, which also make it vary.

When it comes to performance in bed, abstaining or not abstaining from touching doesn’t seem to make a difference either.

Studies in which the subjects have gone 3 weeks without touching together with others who continued to do so regularly, tell us that the ejaculation time was similar.

I suppose they were quite disappointed when they didn’t see an uncontrollable and whitish cannon coming out of the genitals of the abstinents in the purest Scary Movie style.

benefits of masturbation

When it comes to sperm quality, many can rest assured, studies indicate that there is a relationship between those who ejaculate more often (or masturbate more) and stronger and more capable sperm.

In fact, following this line, there may be a relationship between stopping masturbation for a long period of time and wet dreams or nocturnal emissionswhich could be a mechanism for the body to get rid of sperm that is too old.

83% of men and 37% of women have confessed to going through this phenomenon at least once in their lives. Although this type of study is quite confusing due to the inconvenience and imprecision of measuring said erotic-on-nightlife process.

Going completely to the opposite side, we have to say that the blind addiction to masturbation CAN be a problem.

I explain: Masturbating increases the amount of dopamine and serotonin in your brain. This is tied to a feeling of reward in our mind for doing it.

The problem comes when you compulsively masturbate to get this dopamine/serotonin reward.

With this, you get abnormal doses of these compounds to be released in your brain, causing it to become desensitized to such types of stimuli over time and routine.

This means that your brain will need more and more levels of stimulation to achieve a normal level of happiness and satisfaction. So in this case, yes. giving up some masturbation would help your brain become sensitive again to dopamine and serotonin in regular doses.

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How long should masturbation last?

The masturbation duration It is very personal and varies from person to person. Some people can reach orgasm in a matter of minutes, while others may take longer. The important thing is that the person feels comfortable and enjoys the process.

It is important to remember that masturbation does not have a set maximum or minimum time And there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the process for as long as it takes to reach orgasm or just relax and feel pleasure.

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