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What is HubBIO about, the initiative to promote biotechnology companies in the province

On the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Scientific Researcher, “Science Night” was celebrated for the first time, in recognition of the work and effort of all the people who made scientific excellence and innovation based on growth grow. in science and technology in the province, positioning Santa Fe today, nationally and internationally.

In parallel, the letter of adhesion to HubBIO Santa Fe was signed. This commitment, which arises from the initiative of various actors, aims to link people interested in developing the Life Sciences community and align their efforts in order to promote actions for benefit of society.

“HubBIO is a very interesting idea, it is a proposal that the province of Santa Fe has generated trying to promote technology-based companies related to biotechnology and in this way endorse it both from an economic point of view and the ease of creating them. There are a number of of actions that the province has taken in such a way that Santa Fe has a preponderant place in the generation of biotechnology-based companies”, explained the director of Conicet Santa Fe, Carlos Piña.


During the meeting, held in Rosario, Governor Omar Perotti recognized and thanked the work of scientists from Santa Fe who “have forged a path in the province.”

“This allows us to be living this moment, because in each one of the institutes, and university they were encouraging so that the vocation does not stop, even more so in difficult moments,” he said, adding: “To be able to have this level of agreement and commitment transcends each of the representatives and those we have signed”.

“Today we are facing a scenario of strong investment, with our own resources, and from the private sector, with the decision to multiply the provincial budget by three. Many efforts in the same direction, and that not only fills us with enthusiasm, but also generates a greater commitment to all”, valued the governor.

And he continued: “The challenge is for our talents to know that in Santa Fe there are opportunities, that there are companies that grow in investment, in winning the market, and with the capacity to contain them and help them grow, with universities that accompany that challenge.”

Finally, Perotti stressed: “We deeply believe in the challenge of having new startups in Santa Fe, here we have the potential to be attractive to establish projects, and generate the motivation of more talents, who can do science and transcend from here. Knowledge is the greatest asset we have.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Production, Science and Technology, Daniel Costamagna, said that “nothing would have been possible if the governor had not made it possible for production, science and technology to have the same scope of work, and projects.”

In this sense, the official highlighted the work and potential of the province in the matter: “It fills us with pride because we feel part of it, because we put technology as something transversal to all areas,” he guaranteed.

For his part, the president of the R+D+i Agency, Fernando Peirano, said: “Santa Fe stands out on the national map due to the strong impulse that science and technology have, the province has very important universities and institutes of Conicet and with a community of researchers of the highest level”.

“Today more than ever science, due to its sophistication and technological progress, is a collective task. It advances and consolidates based on its ties and its sense of community. This is what we have to continue supporting, with new laws, with better institutions, with timely financing and high-impact promotion actions The Agency was renewed based on these objectives and, from our role in the national State, we always find in Santa Fe an open ecosystem to receive our support and turn it into new solutions and initiatives”.

HubBIO Santa Fe

The province of Santa Fe since 2020 has assumed the commitment to promote actions to strengthen and strengthen science, technology and innovation as a central axis; being the growth of the budget a provincial and regional historical milestone.

Within the framework of the consolidation of the 2030 Science, Technology and Innovation Plan, the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Ministry of Production, Science and Technology carries out concrete actions together with representatives of technological, productive and governmental institutions.

“Tonight we want to seal, together with Research Institutes, Technology Parks, Universities, Stock Markets, Ambassadors and companies in the ecosystem, the next level of commitment to consolidate the life sciences ecosystem in the province of Santa Fe and position it as a benchmark for all of Latin America”, said the Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marina Baima.

“We want to celebrate science in a night that proposes a change in the way of thinking, creating, producing knowledge and working towards positioning the ecosystem assuming a common identity, based on the trajectory and talent that comes from our sector. scientific and technological, and of our innovative sector framed as ambassadors of change”, said Baima.

The event was aimed at the highest community actors at the national, provincial and international levels. In particular, it focused on future high-profile ambassadors, who seek the challenge of disseminating science, the work of the ecosystem and allowing them to enrich themselves from intergenerational coexistence, with more space to express their opinion, participate and contribute. Also to the makers of public, national, provincial and municipal policies and to the business and academic leaders that make up the local ecosystems.

“Thanks to the province for the invitation to participate in this very important activity, to recognize scientists. There are ways to prioritize science and that is by investing in science and technology, which is why we are making a great effort, with a sustained investment over time,” said the Undersecretary for Institutional Coordination of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Nation, Pablo Nunez.

letter of adhesion

Those who signed it became ambassadors and members of this network and will be voluntarily summoned to think together about innovative approaches and solutions to the great challenges of this HubBIO, businessmen, entrepreneurs, students, scientists, journalists, teachers, government officials and members of civil society.

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