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What is known about the man who walked naked at the Fort Lauderdale airport

What is known about the man who walked naked at the Fort Lauderdale airport

MIAMI.- And man was arrested Monday afternoon after walking completely naked in the Airport International of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood, causing surprise and confusion among passengers and air terminal staff.

The individual, identified as Martin Evtimov, 36 years oldleft his vehicle on the sidewalk, entered the airport’s Terminal 1 and crossed a security checkpoint without clothes, according to Broward police.

The officers intercepted him and he resisted arrest, allegedly assaulting one of them.

Evtimov was taken to a hospital for a medical evaluation and then to the Broward jail, where faces several charges, including assault on an officer, indecent conduct and intoxication.

It is not known what the reason for his act was, nor if he has any mental or health problems.

Some witnesses recorded videos of the incident and shared them on social media, where they went viral.

Testimonies at the airport

“I was waiting for my flight when I saw this naked guy running through the airport. I thought it was a joke or a hidden camerabut then I saw the police were chasing him and I realized it was something serious,” said Luisa Pérez, a passenger traveling to New York.

“I thought it was disrespectful and embarrassing. I don’t know what was wrong with that man, but he had no right to do that. There were children and families at the airport. It was a very unpleasant scene,” said Jorge Rodríguez, another passenger going to Colombia.

At his court appearance, the man continued to show an apparent defiant attitudeso he had to be removed from the room.

The airport did not report any delay or impact due to the event, and assured that the safety of travelers and staff is its priority.

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