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What is prohibited during the electoral ban in Argentina?

What is prohibited during the electoral ban in Argentina?

When is there an electoral ban and what is prohibited during this period? we tell you.

The electoral ban begins 48 hours before the day of the elections. During this period, the law establishes that it is prohibited:

  • “Carry out public acts of proselytism and publish and disseminate pre-election surveys and polls from 48 hours before the start of the elections and until the end of the same.”
  • “Publish or disseminate surveys and projections on the result of the vote during the election and up to three hours after its closure.”

In addition, the electoral code establishes the following prohibitions for the day of the election, up to three hours after the closing of the polls:

  • “Meetings of voters and voters or deposit of weapons in houses within a radius of 80 meters around the polling station”
  • “Shows, theatrical parties, sports and any public meeting that does not refer to the electoral act.”
  • “Keep open the houses for the sale of any kind of alcoholic beverages.”
  • “Offer or deliver ballots within a radius of 80 meters from the polling places.”
  • “To the voters and voters, the carrying of weapons, the use of flags, currency or other distinctive.”
  • “Open the party premises located within a radius of 80 meters from the polling places.”

Can I buy or sell alcohol during the closure?

The law establishes that the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited “from 8:00 p.m. on the day before the election and up to three hours after the end of the electoral act.

The penalty is imprisonment for between 15 days and 6 months for those who violate this regulation.

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