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What is the best method to level up fast in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple

Pokemon Scarlet and Purple has been crowned as one of the video game currently most loved in the video game industry, and that is, the most recent installment of Pokemon in nintendoswitch It was a very successful bet compared to the previous ones, with a result that crowned it above all.

Something that we find quite striking is that, Pokemon Scarlet and Purple, like every new generation of Pokémon, introduces a striking novelty in combat mechanics. The new pokemon ninth generation of nintendoswitch will go down in history for their open worldfor its Iberian setting and for its… well, for its bugs.

Pokemon training and leveling up is still an essential part of Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Purple. This time we tell you what is the best method to level up quickly. Forget fighting over and over again in the Great Academic Fight or in the Paldea Pokémon League; The best method to level up fast in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple is to successfully complete Teraids.

Teraincursions are battles of four Pokémon against one very strong and Teracrystallized Pokémon. Depending on the difficulty (ranging from one to seven stars), the rewards vary, being much better the more difficult the Teraincursion is. Well, among these rewards there are Rare Candies and experience candies.

We can access the Teraincursions from the game world by interacting with the different colored Teracrystals that appear randomly throughout Paldea, or from the Poképortal menu. When we are in the game world they are also displayed on the map and on the minimap.

A Teraincursion can be completed in just five minutes depending on the difficulty and if we have strong Pokémon with an appropriate strategy. By completing Teraincursions, we can get many candies that we can use on any Pokémon to make them level up.

We must mention that Teraincursions are the ideal method to quickly gain experience for our Pokémon, even if it is in an “indirect” way. It’s much faster and more entertaining than constantly fighting the same trainers over and over again.

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