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What is the great national alliance facing?

A new turn on the route to The End

66 years after the fall of the dictatorship of Marcos Pérez Jiménez, Venezuela goes back to the past and finds itself once again under the military boot, with a dictatorship

which is maintained with the weapons of corrupt armed forces, but where the middle cadres and below suffer the same calamities as the rest of the population and are not at all happy with the regime. Furthermore, the de facto government has managed to destroy all state companies and also suffocate the private productive sector, where the vast majority of those who survive do so because they negotiate with the government, without caring about the consequences or understanding that they are selling their soul to the government. devil, becoming a member of the plugged-in club. Of course, this situation has few exceptions, such as the case of the Polar Companies, an example of commitment to the Venezuelan people. As we all know, also more than twenty-five years ago, the land of Bolívar has suffered the heartbreaking persecution of the true opponents of the dictatorship, characterized by the violation of the most basic human rights, which has become state policy.

The dictatorship mocks the Venezuelans, but it also mocks the international community, whose representatives partly believe the false promises, but it is necessary to clarify that there are other countries that are not deceived and have a double discourse with what is happening in Venezuela , they make statements demanding the conduct of the regime, boasting that in this way they show the world that they are democratic, but at the same time they carry out commercial and other types of operations, which gives new breathing room to the regime and, worse still, grants it all kinds of of concessions in exchange for practically nothing, without requiring compliance with pre-established agreements, as has recently happened with the case of the Barbados Agreement. Unfortunately, some political parties have not been able to end this criminal tyranny, we do not know if by action or by omission, as they say in criminal law, but the truth is that the result is that they have not been able to end the dictatorship. The Grand National Alliance must face this thousand-headed monster to defeat the dictatorship, but if we know their strategies, we can remove them from power.

The role of the armed forces in Venezuela, under the current regime, has been to defend and maintain the dictatorship and that is why the addition of Bolivarians to the armed forces is consistent with the repressive functions of any citizen who thinks differently and does not bow to the interests of a corrupt government that has links with drug trafficking, with irregular guerrilla groups, with terrorists from the Middle East who have Venezuela as a strategic center for penetration into the American continent; also with Russia and Putin’s disastrous influence in Venezuelan politics to create distrust in the electoral system and create a matrix of opinion that it is not worth participating in these processes; with China, economically bankrupt but collecting the debt that the regime owes to the Asian giant that is trying to impose its economic system, currently failed. All this and more has been shamelessly supported by the Bolivarian armed forces, distorting their reason for being, which is none other than the integrity and defense of the State and not the surrender of the latter.

The collapse of the oil industry as a source of economic income for Venezuela, due to the very high corruption and being used as the petty cash of the Cuban dictatorship; The nationalization of the majority of private companies, which has constituted a resounding failure due to poor administration and corruption, in addition to the addition of legal uncertainty for foreign companies, expropriations and policies that suffocate investors, has caused international companies to abandon the country. An example of good management, as we already said, has been that of Grupo Empresas Polar, which although it remains in Venezuela, has expanded to several countries on the continent and also in Europe, a way to protect itself against any contingency of a dictatorship. dangerous for the private sector.

Another factor with which the Grand National Alliance (GANA) must deal is the persecution of the opposition since the beginning of this dictatorship, which now blatantly, mocking the Barbados Agreement, intensified after the rally held by MCM on the 23rd. January, where he announced the flagship 600k plan. The undemocratic response of the dictatorship was to kidnap important leaders of the state campaign command of the unitary leader, acts perpetrated by the new Bolivarian circles that the regime now baptized as the Bolivarian fury, which is nothing other than terrorist groups protected by the different public powers that are in the hands of the dictatorship. The regime feels totally lost and knows that in an election, no matter how much cheating it does, the result will favor MCM and that has them terrified. It is logical to think that in a negotiation only a few members of the leadership would be saved, but all the others involved in crimes against humanity would be prosecuted by international organizations and would end up in prison; For this reason, some representatives of the dictatorship who would not be covered by the umbrella of this possible negotiation are pressuring the usurper not to negotiate and to impose a candidate of his preference who guarantees stability to the corrupt. In this entire complicated scenario, the United States has an important role and may try to change the opposition candidate, but this will never be accepted by María Corina, because she will respect and comply with the mandate that the Venezuelans gave her on October 22, 2023. in the opposition primaries and will go to the end. “When those who rule lose shame, those who obey lose respect,” Georg C. Lichtenberg.

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