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what is the "green kite"when will it pass close to Earth and how to see it from La Plata?

Few astronomical phenomena are easy to observe with the naked eye and from a relatively normal position, but after 50,000 years it will once again be possible to enjoy a unique spectacle in the sky of the city. Its about “green kite”which according to experts will be visible with just a pair of binoculars, although the weather and the location of the people could affect their visual.

Within this framework, the professor at the Faculty of Astronomical Sciences of the UNLP and former director of the La Plata Observatory, Diego Baguexplained to that Wednesday, February 1, will be the day the comet is closest to Earth, after several thousand years, but to fully enjoy it, we will have to wait a few more days because by that date it will appear so close to the horizon that it will be difficult appreciate it, while as the month progresses it will begin to look higher and higher in the firmament.

“It is not the best day to observe it, since from the southern hemisphere it will begin to be seen well from approximately February 10”, explained the specialist regarding the ideal date for amateur astronomers and other residents interested in La Plata to try to see the comet. It is worth remembering that in the northern hemisphere the same phenomenon began a few days ago and can still be enjoyed.

The comet was discovered in March 2022 by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), from which its true scientific name is derived: C/2022 E3 (ZTF). The comet stands out for its greenish color, which is due to the fact that “apparently it would have a high component of dicarbon or diatomic carbon, which makes it reflect that color when it begins to volatilize (go from solid to gas) as it is illuminated.” more and more for the Sun”.

Although large equipment is not needed to be able to observe the star, Bagú ruled out that it can really be seen as easy as it seems. “I don’t think it can be seen with the naked eye. Surely it will have to be done with a telescope and/or binoculars”advanced for those interested and invited them to prepare to fully enjoy it.

The lights of the city will also play their role in finding and enjoying it with the naked eye, but the truth is that those who want to do so will have several days to locate its exact position and catch a glimpse of a phenomenon that will not be repeated as long as they live.

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