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What is the happiest country in the world: where is Argentina?

A recent study revealed what is the happiest country in the world according to its quality of life, financial situation, and different social indicators.

On the International Day of Happiness, the chosen one was Finland thanks to the World report carried out by the UN.

Absolute leader of the rankingthe European state was left with the award for the sixth time consecutive accompanied by the votes of the inhabitants themselves. Among the main factors in the choice are the social support, income, health, freedom, generosity and absence of corruption.

Likewise, different nations followed in the footsteps of Finland and make up the ranking of the best countries to live in. Denmark, Iceland, Israel –which climbed five places compared to last year– and the NetherlandsThey are the chosen ones.

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For his part, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Austria complete the Top 10 of the UN Happiness Index, which once again positions the countries of northern Europe “as the happiest nations”.

how is argentina

As for Latin America, Costa Rica is the first country on the list, precisely in position 23, followed by Uruguay, in 28, and Chile, in 35.

Argentina, for its part, climbed five places regarding the last report and positioned itself in the number 52 of the world ranking, contributes La Nación.

Source: Scope

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