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What is the ship that has traveled farthest in space? NASA shares video

What is the ship that has traveled farthest in space? NASA shares video. Photo:

Space exploration by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (POT), with the mission Artemis 1revealed was a video in which you can see the land passing behind the Moon and it was taken from a ship which are at the furthest point in history than any other, don’t miss the video!

In The Truth News We want to tell you that there are several missions that have already reached distant planets, but this is the first time that a ship designed to transport humans has reached the furthest point for the first time, turning this event into quite a feat for the mission and the scientists who worked decades in it.

We recently told you about a telescope that will search for dangerous asteroids, but now we tell you that the Artemis 1 mission also hopes to detect orbits of objects that could pose a danger to our planet, so its data will be the most valuable thing to identify them in time .

This is the farthest NASA mission

The video shared by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration on its Instagram account is part of a series of files that are being collected by the Artemis 1 mission, which was launched on November 16, 2022 and will be active for 42 days, in order to test the performance of their exploration systems.

It is now that, in the transmission of this material to the Kennedy space center by the Orion spacecraft, which is 432,210 kilometers from our planet, the farthest point so far, the Earth can be seen passing behind the Moon, which which means a breakthrough in the race for space exploration.

It may interest you: Elon Musk’s SpaceX wants to increase the useful life of the Hubble telescope.

What is NASA and where is it located?

Illustrative image. Photo:

It is an American government agency that is in charge of the civil space program, aeronautical and aerospace research, that promotes the peaceful applications of space science and that is also supporting the International Space Station with the development of the Orion multipurpose crew vehicle.

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