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What is the ‘triangle of life’ and how to protect yourself at home during a strong tremor?

What is the 'triangle of life' and how to protect yourself at home during a strong tremor?

According to experts, it is normal for your body to send warning signals to your brain during an earthquake.causing a feeling of anguish, and in the most extreme cases, anxiety and panic.

(Read: What is the difference between earthquake, tremor, earthquake and telluric movement?)

(You may be interested in: ‘Earthquake!’: tremor surprised US ambassador Francisco Palmieri in a speech).

The concept created by Douglas Copp, rescue expert and director of the ‘American Rescue Team International’ (ARTI), seeks survival against earthquakes and earthquakes of any category.

According to ‘National Geographic’, this technique consists of protecting oneself in the spaces that are generated next to large objects, such as sofas or other types of furniture, when debris falls on or near them.

(Keep reading: Why do you feel dizzy after a tremor?).

“The bigger, heavier, and stronger the object, the less it will compact. The object needs to be compact. The less it is compressed by the weight, the greater the empty space or hole next to it.and the possibility that the person who is using that place will not be hurt,” says the media

Neverthelessthis has not been endorsed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) who maintains the position that the “triangle of life” is not an accurate idea about the location of a person in an earthquake.

(Also read: Tremor in Colombia: photos and videos show the evacuation of thousands of people in Bogotá).

This position consists of crossing the hands behind the head to protect the neck and the occipital region, kneeling, placing the head as close as possible to the knees, and finally lying down in the fetal position.

Likewise, if it is in an earthquake-resistant construction, stay near columns, under a desk or in areas marked as safe, always away from glass or items that could fall.

Do not forget that it is very important to remain calmbreathe deeply and follow the instructions of the care agencies in order to prevent or reduce a possible feeling of anxiety or panic.

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